
Akua Intaglio is a non-toxic intaglio ink made with a soy-based binder and high quality pigments. Originally formulated for intaglio printing, it can also be applied with a brayer for relief printmaking, monotype, and collagraphs. It will print from any plastic, wood, linoleum or metal plate.

When used on intaglio plates, Akua Intaglio wipes off cleanly, while plenty of ink remains in the grooves, resulting in sharp images, strong blacks and rich colours. It cleans up quickly with a dry rag or liquid dish detergent. The ink will never skin or harden in the jar or on any non-absorbent surface, so no ink is ever wasted due to unwanted drying and working time is extended.

  • Artist quality
  • Highly pigmented, brilliant colours
  • Extended open time for printing
  • Option to print on dry or damp paper
  • Easy soap and water cleanup

Akua Intaglio is a non-toxic intaglio ink made with a soy-based binder and high quality pigments. Originally formulated for intaglio printing, it can also be applied with a brayer for relief printmaking, monotype, and collagraphs. It will print from any plastic, wood, linoleum or metal plate.

When used on intaglio plates, Akua Intaglio wipes off cleanly, while plenty of ink remains in the grooves, resulting in sharp images, strong blacks and rich colours. It cleans up quickly with a dry rag or liquid dish detergent. The ink will never skin or harden in the jar or on any non-absorbent surface, so no ink is ever wasted due to unwanted drying and working time is extended.

  • Artist quality
  • Highly pigmented, brilliant colours
  • Extended open time for printing
  • Option to print on dry or damp paper
  • Easy soap and water cleanup
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Akua Intaglio Inks 236ml (8oz)

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