
Rough paper has a pronounced tooth for achieving watercolours paintings with the most texture and granulation effects. Formed in a traditional cylinder mould our watercolour paper gives the appearance of being handmade. All of our watercolour papers are designed to withstand saturation, and this gummed block keeps the paper stretched as it dries. The finished piece is then removed free from any buckling. Each block contains 20 sheets of 300gsm paper.

Also available in Hot Press - Smooth Blocks



Rough paper has a pronounced tooth for achieving watercolours paintings with the most texture and granulation effects. Formed in a traditional cylinder mould our watercolour paper gives the appearance of being handmade. All of our watercolour papers are designed to withstand saturation, and this gummed block keeps the paper stretched as it dries. The finished piece is then removed free from any buckling. Each block contains 20 sheets of 300gsm paper.

Also available in Hot Press - Smooth Blocks


Winsor Newton by Winsor Newton

Professional Watercolour Paper Block

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